AG Ingenieurökologie - KontraVital


Short Description

The benefits of urban green infrastructure, also known as ecosystem services, have been studied over the last decades and are now also taken into account in urban open space planning. Much less is known about the potential impacts of urban green infrastructure that may be perceived as harmful, unpleasant or undesirable, the so-called ecosystem disservices. For sustainable planning of urban green infrastructure, it is crucial to consider both positive ecosystem services and ecosystem disservices. The goal of the KontraVital project is to close the existing knowledge gaps on ecosystem disservices of urban green infrastructure biodiversity. The potential adverse health effects of biodiversity on

of the urban population.

The KontraVital project will be conducted in the city of Magdeburg, which represents a medium-sized urban metropolis in Germany with an area of around 200 km² and a population of around 236,000. The proportion of public green spaces in the urban area is above average in Magdeburg, which gives the project setting a practical background.


Phase 1

The following activities are planned in phase 1 of the project:

Project Title

KontraVital - New health risks due to biodiversity-based urban ecosystem disservices
(KontraVital - Neue Gesundheitsrisiken durch biodiversitätsbedingte kontraproduktive Ökosystemdienstleistungen in Städten)


Phase 1: 01.07.2023 – 30.06.2024


German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
funding guideline "for research into the links between biodiversity and human health - a contribution to the biodiversity research initiative".


Prof. Dr. Kateryna Fuks
(Professorship for Environment and Health)
University of Applied Sciences Magdeburg-Stendal

University stakeholders

Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences:

  • Department of Water, Environment, Civil Engineering and Safety, Prof. Dr. Petra Schneider
  • Department of Social Work, Health and Media, Prof. Dr. Kateryna Fuks
  • Department of Applied Human Sciences, Prof. Dr. Steffi Zander

Verbundpartner und Assoziierte Partner

  • Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research, Braunschweig
  • Leibniz Institute for Neurobiology, Magdeburg
  • KTGIS GmbH, Leipzig
  • Department of Land-Use Planning, City of Magdeburg
  • Allotment Gardeners’ Association Schnarsleben, near Magdeburg
  • Ecological Engineering Society of Germany
  • German Association of Engineers for Water Management, Waste Management and Cultural Buildings

German English