09.11.2023 |Theme day: Landslides, earthquakes, dam breaches - research into natural hazards at the H2

On 9 November, experts of the Department of Water, Environment, Construction and Safety welcomed a Nepalese delegation from the Nepalese Department of Mining and Geology and employees of G.E.O.S. Freiberg, Germany, for a topic day at the University of Applied Sciences Magdeburg-Stendal. The focus was on research on natural hazards such as landslides, earthquakes and dam breaches.
Earthquakes, floods and landslides are frequent natural hazards in Nepal. Participants in a current German-Nepalese project visited the University of Applied Sciences Magdeburg-Stendal to find out about our current research work and to exchange experiences.
Dr Fengqing Li presented results from the TRANSPOND research project (2017-2020). He used modelling to show what can happen if there is erosive discharge into the transboundary water system in an area in Kyrgyzstan with radioactive mining residues.
Prof Stefanie Schubert-Polzin explained how disaster and civil protection are organised in Germany. With many pictures from practice, Prof Petra Schneider demonstrated that slopes can also be stabilised using nature-based approaches, thus preventing major landslides. In this way, the connection between natural hazard mitigation and engineering ecology was also emphasised.
The highlight of the theme day was a live simulation of a dike breach in the hydraulic engineering laboratory with Prof Ettmer. On a scale of 1:10, visitors were able to experience how a dike made of homogeneous sandy material and with a 1:2 profile behaves during extreme flooding and how the dike material from the outside invisibly soaks up water until it potentially breaches. A 1:3 profile and the use of loamy material, for example, are safer.
We were delighted with the interest, the lively discussions, the interdisciplinary collaboration and the initial ideas for potential joint research questions. We wish the project "Implementation of countrywide landslide warning system for geotechnical emergency and risk prediction in Nepal" as part of the BMZ's developpp programme a successful outcome!
- 09:30 Welcome Prof Torsten Schmidt, Department of Water, Environment, Civil Engineering and Safety
- 09:45 Introduction to the University and Department Prof Torsten Schmidt, Department of Water, Environment, Civil Engineering and Safety
- 10:00 Introduction of Approaches to Natural Hazards Modelling Dr Fengqing Li, Representative of the TRANSPOND project
- 10:20 A Case Study of Natural Hazards Modelling for Critical Infrastructures at Mailuu Suu, Kyrgyzstan Dr Fengqing Li, Representative of the TRANSPOND project
- 11:00 Coffee Break
- 11:10 Organisation of Civil Protection in Germany Prof Stefanie Schubert-Polzin, Professor for Civil and Fire Protection
- 11:40 Nature-based solutions for Slope Stabilisation and Landslide Precaution Prof Petra Schneider, Professor for International Water Management, Director of the Master Program Ecological Engineering
- 12:10 Lunch Break and Walk on Campus
- 13:30 Hydrolic Engineering Lab: Dike Breach Simulation Prof Bernd Ettmer, Professor for Water Engineering
- 14:30 Final Discussion

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