Brief Description
Low water periods have extensive economic and ecological consequences in addition to the hydrological aspects.
Examples of economic consequences are:
- restrictions on inland waterway transport,
- reduced electricity generation from hydropower,
- limited use of industrial water.
From an aquatic ecology perspective, low water discharges can lead to, among other things:
- restrictions on the migration possibilities of aquatic organisms,
- extreme deterioration of the oxygen supply,
- possible drying out of a body of water.
The DyrRivers research project aims to
- calculate water levels on the basis of current climatic conditions,
- analyse different consequences of low water levels
- identify effective measures for sustainable low water risk management.
The aim of the DryRivers project is to develop a practical tool that can provide effective, objective and transparent support to authorities in low water risk management. Water management, socio-economic and ecological aspects are to be considered equally in a multi-criteria framework in order to develop consensus-based prioritisation and solution strategies for all relevant demands on water bodies during periods of low water.
Selected Publications
- Folkens, L.; Bachmann, D.; Schneider, P. Driving Forces and Socio-Economic Impacts of Low-Flow Events in Central Europe: A Literature Review Using DPSIR Criteria. Sustainability 2023, 15, 10692. Link to the paper
A complete list of all publications can be found here.
Further Materials
- Project webpage (in German)
- Short video about the project and PhD student Lukas Folkens (in German)
DryRivers | Project Impressions
Project Title
DryRivers - Goals, requirements, strategies and tools for sustainable low water risk management
01.02.2022 - 31.01.2025
Funding Programme:
"Extreme water events" in the German federal programme "Water Research and Water Innovations for Sustainability - Water:N"
Thematic focus: Green infrastructure in the city.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Daniel Bachmann
University of Applied Sciences Magdeburg-Stendal
Associated Partners
- umweltbüro essen (environmental office Essen)
- Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule (RWTH) Aachen - Lehrstuhl und Institut für Wasserbau und Wasserwirtschaft (RWTH Aachen University - Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resources Management)
- LimnoPlan