AG Ingenieurökologie - GipsRec2.0


Brief Description

The energy transition in Germany is leading to a critical supply gap in gypsum: FGD gypsum is a technically produced gypsum that occurs as a by-product in flue gas desulphurisation plants of coal-fired power stations when sulphur dioxide is bound with lime from the exhaust gases. Due to the shutdown of coal-fired power stations, FGD gypsum, which previously covered more than 50% of German gypsum demand, will no longer be available in the future. As the development of new natural gypsum deposits is becoming increasingly difficult, alternative gypsum sources are urgently needed.

GipsRec2.0 investigated promising secondary raw material sources, particularly end-of-life gypsum fibre boards. While established recycling processes already exist for gypsum plasterboard, technologies for processing gypsum fibre boards, which consist of natural gypsum and paper fibres, have been lacking until now.

The project consortium successfully developed a mechanical processing method for gypsum fibre boards. This enables:

The results show that the developed process can make an important contribution to closing material cycles and to future gypsum supply.


Further Informationen

About recyling of gypsum at MUEG and in Germany


Project title

GipsRec2.0 – Plaster recycling 2.0 - Technical preparation to make drywall and synthetic gypsum available for producing recycled plaster


Supporting expert contribution for experimental evaluation by Prof. Dr. Petra Schneider from 01.10.2023 to 15.10.2024


German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
Funding measure "Resource-efficient circular economy - construction and mineral material cycles (ReMin)"

Project Partners

  • Mitteldeutsche Umwelt- und Entsorgung GmbH;
  • Öko-Institut e. V.;
  • Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung);
  • Supporting expert contribution by Prof. Dr. Petra Schneider (Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences)
German English